October 20, 2014

A lady student declared to inject HIV virus 2000 men

A lady student declared to inject HIV virus 2000 men
A female student of Kenya University has revealed that has infected a total of 324 men with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
A female University student revealed that she had already infected 324 men with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Out of them, 156 are students of ‍a University where she studies, the rest are married men, lecturers, lawyers, celebrities and politicians.
The HIV positive girl, who attends the Kabarak University in Nakuru, said to have been infected by a man at a party.

The unidentified 19-year old is allegedly aiming to infect a total of 2000 men in revenge.

“I accepted my fate and promised to make all men I come across suffer, I know I’m attractive and men both married and unmarried chase me left right and centre.”

“Not a day passes without me having sex, mostly 4 people per day,” she continued in her confession. “Your day is coming, you men destroyed my life and I will make you and your people pay for it”
- See more at: http://bdmail24.net/article/406/#top
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