October 24, 2014

7 reasons why you do not slim

7 reasons why you do not slim

Couples especially girls want to be much more slim and get attractive body fitness. Do you keep piling on the kilos, no matter how many diets you try? The problem may have more to do with your general health than with your food.
According to report of India’s popular newspaper Hindustan times, here are simple solutions that can help you beat the bulge.

Need more sleep
If you don't sleep well, then the body's hormone axis doesn’t work properly. They affect metabolism and eventually lead to weight gain. Doctors say if you aren't sleeping, your body won't be digesting food normally either. Besides, people suffering from insomnia often snack through the night or drink coffee, which makes the problem worse.

You're depressed
The problem here is twofold. Most people share an emotional relationship with food. So when depressed, they tend to eat more. However, antidepressants can also stimulate the appetite as, when people feel happier, thanks to the medication, they overeat.

You're stressed
When adrenaline (the stress hormone) kicks in, the body produces more cortisol, which in turn causes hunger. When you're stressed it's tempting to turn to unhealthy ready meals, high-calorie snacks or alcohol. Stress can also make you feel lethargic. All of these factors take their toll on the waistline.

Thyroid to blame
Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, slows down the metabolism; many people find they put on weight while it goes undiagnosed. With treatment, the hormones will balance out and weight will soon return to normal.

PCOS syndrome
Many overweight women suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS. They have a resistance to insulin, just like people with diabetes, which in the case of PCOS makes it difficult for them to convert the male hormone testosterone in the ovaries into the female hormone oestrogen. Higher levels of testosterone in the body will make sufferers put on weight and the insulin resistance does the same thing because the body can't utilise the calories it is taking in.

Eating late at night
Studies have shown that people who consume the same calories as others, but eat them an hour or two before going to bed will put on more weight than those who eat earlier. This is because the body is aware that you are not being active, so it stores the calories by turning them into fat. It takes the body longer to convert this stored fat into energy again.

You've cut out carbs
We all know you need a balanced diet to be healthy but for many of us, cutting out carbs is a sure-fire way to reduce a few kilos quickly. However, when you eliminate something from your diet, the body starts to crave it. Carbs are important building blocks for the body to turn into energy.
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